Monday, March 24, 2025

The National Film Academy was launched in 1999 as an academy that supports, mentors, and promotes filmmakers, actors, actresses, and talent that make up the motion picture industry. The National Film Academy is also responsible for the annual National Film Awards UK

Worldwide Events:
The National Film Academy puts on a series of annual festivals, premieres, workshops, conferences and seminars in the UK, France, Germany, and USA. National Film Awards UK which the academy produces annually in the UK  is set to launch syndicated versions of the annual ceremony across Academy territories with a planned expansion into 14 countries by 2019.

Academy Members:
All industry professionals are able to apply for membership to the National Film Academy. To apply for membership. E-mail:

Academy Training Courses:
For those keen on getting started in the motion picture industry. The National Film Academy offers an opportunity to take part in our breakthrough courses for Actors, Actresses, Producers, Directors, Screenwriters and general production crew.

Professional Training in the Crafts of Filmmaking!

The National Film Academy provides you with:

  • Multi-disciplinary training by professionals in the film, TV and new media industries.
  • In classroom course work coupled with on-set, hands-on training.
  • Opportunity to work on “real world” projects in order to develop recognized film credits, through partnerships with professional productions.
  • Hands-on instruction and training working with a package of professional equipment (cameras, sound gear, lights, etc.) as well as production trucks, generators and sound studio space.
  • One-on-one job counseling to include resume preparation, job research and job placement outreach.

What Kinds of Jobs does the National Film Academy Training Prepare You For?

Entry-level positions both on set and in production offices.

  • Acting
  • On Set Production Assistant (PA)
  • Art: set dressers, props
  • Hair/Make-up/Wardrobe procedures
  • Sound: mixer, boom operator, utility
  • Camera: operator, camera assistants (1st and 2nd)
  • Electric: on-set lamp operators
  • Grip: on-set, dolly grip
  • Locations: managing
  • Craft Services
  • Script Supervision procedures
  • Video Assist
  • Office PA


Course 1

16 Weeks

This course is the first of an 18-credit hour certification program which will provide an introduction to the skills used in on-set film production, including all forms of narrative media which utilize film-industry standard organizational structure, professional equipment and on-set procedures.

In addition to the use of topical lectures, PowerPoint presentations, videos and hand-outs, the course will include demonstrations of equipment and set operations as well as hands-on learning experiences. Students will learn: film production organizational structure, job descriptions and duties in various film craft areas, names, uses and protocols related to various pieces of professional on-set film equipment. Students will also learn, through lecture and exercises, how the various film craft related to one-another on a working set, as well as how and why they all must operate in sync. In addition, students will learn skills related to networking and self-marketing.

Course 2

16 Weeks

Course 2 will provide hands-on experience in “Real World” projects which will provide students with a vehicle to both increase and solidify their skills, add to their resumes and facilitate networking opportunities. These production opportunities will provide students with a basic set of skills and insights sufficient to be integrated onto the sets of working film productions.

Students will learn the job responsibilities and how to carry those out at an entry level of a variety of on-set jobs. Students will also have an opportunity network and build resumes to be able to market themselves in order to become integrated into the film industry as entry-level workers.

Students will be required to make a film which will be showcased at our annual National Film Festival

This certificate program is a viable and proven first step toward a career in film production. Being able to join the film industry workforce will require additional on-set experience, facilitated through networking opportunities fostered by this program.

Get involved by e-mailing: